Thursday, 11 May 2017

Family Dinners!

"Mom, I have decided to make a special dinner for the whole family" said my sister, cheerfully. My mom, dad and me looked at each other, worried. We knew that her dinners were terrible. She would always make her soups too lumpy and make her chicken too soggy. "Do we have to eat dinner with her?" I whispered. "Yes!" shouted my mother. My sister made a soggy chicken with a runny egg. I just couldn't eat something so bad. Whenever my sister wasn't looking or getting more food we would pour large amounts of chicken into a bucket under the table.


Malou Jensen said...

Hi Leah,
I really like your story!

Anonymous said...

Hi Leah
This is a very Interesting story and what I like about your story is the fact that you add interesting words such as soggy and lumpy.I also like the way you highlighted the word and you know when to use the right punctuation.The exclamation Marks make the story powerful.
good job Leah!!