Tuesday, 9 May 2017

The Hooded Person

Its been hours since I've been trapped here. I knew coming to the isle of dawn wasn't a good idea. I hate it when Gloria persuades me. I saw a piece of candy so I picked it up but, I felt like I just couldn't eat something so I put it in my pocket. I started touching the walls surrounding me, hoping to find a way out. Suddenly I heard something rattle and the wall opened. A hooded person stood there. The person grabbed my arm and started running with me along. I looked around and everything turned pitch black...


Malou Jensen said...

Hi Joanna,
I love your story!!

Natty said...
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Anonymous said...

I really like how your story is very different compared year 7 100wc
i loved how you have described well mostly everything.Keep up with your work <3 Bertttt

Anonymous said...

your story sound mysterious and interesting, but don't forget to put commar on it. :)

Anonymous said...

I really like the story because I'm a big fan of the stories that are more dark, but you could use more comma's and an apostrophe.

Natty said...

Your story makes me feel like i'm in the story when you started saying "I started touching the walls surrounding me" made me feel like I'm actually touching a wall in my imagination.