Wednesday, 17 May 2017


Today was my brother’s birthday
We went to the Zoo. When I arrived, I fainted and collapsed on the floor because it was too hot.
A man, with a crocodile shirt, came and brought me an orange juice.
After drinking it he took us on a tour in his helicopter.
We saw many animals within compound.
There was a pelican with it wide mouth eating a fish. After the ride, he gave my little brother a crocodile chocolate cake.
I adopted the pelican that was eating the fish. I named it Flurry because it had a lot of beautiful fur.


Anonymous said...

Lovely story using your imagination.

Anonymous said...

i like the story its lovely;>

Malou Jensen said...

Hi Rose,
I really enjoy reading your story because it is very creative but be careful with your it and it's.

Ploy said...

What is the title of this story?

mew said...

where is your title

Ploy said...

yes where is your title ?Rose