Wednesday 17 May 2017

Linda's birthday

Today, it was my little sister's birthday, Linda. She was now 6 years old. To celebrate her birthday, My parents, my sister and I went to the biggest zoo in the city and had a picnic. We all got in the red shiny car and headed towards the zoo. We entered a wide road with many high green trees. Linda was fascinated by all living things, especially animals. When we arrived, Linda leaped out of the car towards the entrance of the enormous zoo. We spend all morning observing the monkeys, crocodile, giraffe etc... I was exhausted running around the zoo and I was also dehydrated. I fainted and collapsed in my mother arms. Within 2 minutes, I woke up and I ate an orange and everything started like if nothing happened.  


mew said...

I like your story.

Malou Jensen said...

Hi Lisa,
I really like your story and you used a lot of elevated words.But in some places you used a capital letter when you don't need one.

Leah said...

Hi Lisa,
I love your story!
It is so funny!
Maybe you could check your punctuation for your next 100WC.