Friday, 16 June 2017

Andrew Sesay

Dear Andrew Sesay,

I find it amazing how many lives you save at child birth. I think your hard work and dedication to helping these patients is admirable. I have always been worried about climate change, and it is spectacular that you are helping the world by not wasting energy, yet saving people's lives. Sometimes I wonder how you even do it. You are truly a inspiration to those who are doctors and nurses. You're the type of person that makes the world a better place. The world need a lot more people like you.

Yours Sincerely,
Joanna April Kelly


Anonymous said...

Great post because of how you idolize him but next time try to ask a question.

Anonymous said...

I think that you forgot to add a question mark after the question.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your work Joanna! I really enjoyed reading this. The final sentence is very powerful. I think that you give a very good mix of short and long sentences to add impact.

My only suggestion is to split your work into paragraphs so the reader can follow it easier.