Thursday, 18 May 2017

But Who Can It Be?

I tip toed along the orange muddy floor. Suddenly "SNAP" I stepped on a wide, hard stick that snapped apart. I could see the world spin around me. My head started to ache and I started to think if it was a dream. But it wasn't! I saw eyes circling me. Then a tree collapsed,  I struggled to free my leg but I couldn't.  Up within the trees I saw a creature, the biggest of them all. It looked like a crocodile, but worse! My mind started to dim and my eyes started to close. I thought and thought.

But who can it be?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I like your story but I think that the animal is weird. I also like the way you used Snap!

Anonymous said...

I like the way you describe the orange muddy floor.

Anonymous said...

Nice use of onomatopoeia.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the suspension and your onomatopoeia. How did your leg get stuck? In future posts try to describe the situation a little bit more.